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中国鳗鱼产业发展及其资源保护建议 张婷婷,赵 峰,张 涛,等


中国海水养殖综合生产效率评估研究 岳冬冬,李旭君,郭艳宇,等

广东省海洋渔业资源承载力分析 冯 菲,陈 森,周艳波,等

鲸类观赏演变史及现状分析 阮 雯,王 芸,纪炜炜,等


文莱海域网箱养殖条件下卵形鲳鲹的生长与摄食特性 施兆鸿,彭士明,袁 翔,等

鱼类致病菌鮰爱德华菌与鮰爱德华菌病研究进展 黄 华,刘锡胤,张秀梅,等




越南虾类和鲶鱼的养殖及其产品出口贸易现状 王 茜,刘 勤,熊敏思,等

柬埔寨水产养殖发展概况 李子牛 编译

渔业科技前沿 杨林林 编译

国际渔业动态 吴祖立,崔雪森,熊敏思,编译


Development of eel aquaculture industry and its resource conservation in China

ZHANG Ting-ting, ZHAO Feng, ZHANG Tao,et al


On the overall efficiency of marine aquaculture in China

YUE Dong-dong, LI Xu-jun, GUO Yan-yu,et al

Analysis on carrying capacity of marine fishery resources in Guangdong Province

FENG Fei, CHEN Sen, ZHOU Yan-bo,et al


On history of whale watching and its current status

RUAN Wen, WANG Yun, JI Wei-wei,et al

Feeding habits and growth characteristics of Trachinotus ovatus under cage farming in Brunei

SHI Zhao-hong, PENG Shi-ming, YUAN Xian,et al


A review on theEdwardsiella ictaluriof fish andEdwardsiella ictaluridisease

HUANG Hua,LIU Xi-yin,ZHANG Xiu-mei,et al


A research paradigm of climate impacting reproductive dynamics of fishery resources: A case study ofPortunus trituberculatuspopulation in the East China Sea

GUAN Wei-bing , XUAN Fu-jun

Review on aquaculture and export of shrimp and catfish in Vietnam

WANG Qian,LIU Qin,XIONG Min-si,et al


Review on the development of aquaculture in Cambodia

Compiled by LI Zi-niu


Cutting edge of fisheries science and technology Compiled by YANG Lin-lin

International fisheries dynamics Compiled by WU Zu-li,CUI Xue-sen,XIONG Min-si